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High quality linden saw logs
Application of the logs
Soft deciduous wood, which is widely used for beehives, furniture and various building elements.
When dry, the wood is stable and can be easily operated in all directions. Due to this quality, linden wood is highly valued for turning into woodcarving. It has valuable white wood, which is extremely light and easy to process.
Linden wood can be easily processed by hand or with a machine. When dried, such wood does not crack or deform, it is characterized by a rigid structure and is not prone to rot.
Detailed information
For many centuries, wood was the only material for making furniture. Despite the successes of technical progress that has turned our lives upside down, people continue to make furniture from natural wood.
Moreover, thanks to centuries of experience in the use of different types of wood, studying its properties, people have found the optimal way to produce, process and operate wooden furniture.
Some types of wood are not suitable for use in the manufacture of furniture under certain conditions, and others should definitely not be imported into the home due to their energy characteristics.
One of the main factors when choosing wooden furniture is the appearance and structure of the wood from which the furniture is made.
Linden is found throughout Europe and is divided into two main species: deciduous (summer) and small-leaved (winter). Winter lindens can reach 25 meters to 30 meters in height, and summer lindens – 40 meters. Their duration of growth reaches several hundred years. In linden, the core and sapwood have the same color. The wood is white – yellowish, sometimes with partial red or green color. Linden is light to medium heavy, soft and easy to handle. It has a fine and dense structure. The density of linden is 530 kg / m3.
Linden wood can be easily processed by hand or with a machine. The uniform fine-porous structure makes it ideal for coloring, painting and varnishing.
Density: strong, plastic material.
Color: white
It is most often used in carvings and decorative elements.
Features: high impermeability, which makes it difficult to color, but easily accepts the color of
valuable species of wood. Linden is easily processed with cutting tools. It is resistant to moisture.
It is used for decoration, laser engraving, decoupage, souvenir making, surface painting, pyrography, boat building, woodworking, packaging, construction and installation work, cladding, billboards, signs, industrial bodies and other specific carpentry. It is also used as a round wood for wooden cabins, for boards and bars for flooring and ceilings, production of partitions and furniture.
The wood of this tree is often used to build bathrooms. It responds well to treatment, retains heat for a long time and fills the bathroom with a pleasant aroma. It is an excellent material for interior decoration because it does not burn.